I am:

from Chicago, the oldest of three, partner to an amazing person and artist, a Libra, an INFP, currently a Ph.D. candidate and lecturer in Communication Studies at University of Minnesota, an avid photographer, also an avid animal lover, proud of my Mexican heritage, a technology junkie without the budget for it, a wannabe longboarder, funnier online than in person, fond of theoretical physics, also fond of exclamation points, moody, sincere, a good listener, trans and lgbtq advocate, an occasional musician, frightened by the contingency of time, usually saddened by the state of human rights and social justice in the world, constantly reading, avoiding doing laundry (probably right now), usually disgruntled with news media and neoliberalism, often walking my dog, wearing jeans, a vegetarian, always learning something new, online way too much, still listening to Duran Duran on occasion, appreciative of authenticity and humor, thinking about what I’ll start next…

… not necessarily in that order.

Contact Jules Wight @:

Email: wight.jules@gmail.com or

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